What kind of summer dress look good in 2014 popular style dress

Summer girls like to wear what style? What is your style in the summer? Are you ready to change style this year? No matter what style you are now, have to try another, so that youth is not too pale, love the spring and summer of 2016 women's dress style, with what style of dress you look for style.

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Fresh mint green style in the summer is absolutely dazzling, fresh colors so that people around watching it is also very comfortable, mint green stitching white, white neckline is very college style, accompanied by the reduction of high heels and a capable temperament.

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We tried a small fresh, sweet Fan, this is a goddess Fan Oh, the color splicing, watermelon red, taro purple, bare pink, the splicing of these three colors is absolutely dazzling, each color is very noble, with A pair of high-heeled sandals, super gas field wear out.

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