The highest level of sexy release hidden sexy charm

The highest level of sexy release hidden sexy charm

Who says that only beautiful, full, and wild women are sexy?

Sexy on different women,

There will be different feelings and different flavors, which is why we feel that the full-bodied Marilyn Monroe is sexy and that Lin Chi-ling, who is also skinny, is also very sexy. The highest realm of sexyness is killing the invisible “sexy in the bones”.

Learned the little tricks we teach you to improve the sexy index, and you naturally know better from the inside out, to release the hidden sexy charm from head to toe.

1 How much is exposed

It is a subtle art to achieve sex with exposure. If you have a beautiful navel, a waistline, a skinny shoulder, a slender neck, and a beautiful long leg, then you may want to expose them. Otherwise, it is still the sentence: “It's not as good as Tibetan monks.” The V collar is the best choice. If the beauty is looming, it's sexy.

2 Cotton or Silk

When it comes to sexy and charming, I think you must think of silk chiffon instead of cotton. Correct! Yes, elegant chiffon and silk can add a feminine femininity to you, and also change the slovenly look of your day-to-day students. And the best heels with chiffon, but also make you swaying style.

3 jewelry also helps

It should be noted that there are multiple sexy regions on female surnames, such as ankles, earlobes, shoulders, back of neck, arms, etc. Therefore, wear an anklet at the ankle, hang a large earring on the earlobe, wear a wristband on the arm or Printing individual patterns can also increase your sexy index significantly. The shape of flowers or pendant jewelry can create a rich feminine flavor. Shiny jewellery is the most dazzling mix in the night!

4 Color VS Charm

If you want to be feminine and sexy, it's not pink, it's the most popular color. Black will make you more mature and mysterious, and it is the best choice to dress up a mature ending. However, although with the right black can add a mysterious charm, but moderately decorated with a little red, it also makes you feel that you are an adventurous, like challenge and passionate woman.

A single product that enhances the sexy index

Earring / Ear Studs Jewellery

Kaiyu Hardware Jewelry Factory ,

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