"Tom Lily" paternity lovers outfit, show the brand personality and charm of the couple

In China, where the material life is constantly improving, the demand of people gradually shifts to the spiritual level. Clothing is no longer a simple life demand. It is already a manifestation of pursuing fashion and taste life. The "Tom Lily" paternity lover is A brand that shows the charisma between lovers. With its own personality, it regards "lovers' warmth and harmony and unity" as the core of the brand and interprets the attitudes and attitudes of taste lovers. Tom Lily brand style Tom Lily lovers brand incorporates the spirit of harmony clothing culture, fashion, dynamic, reflects the integration of fashion and personality. The expression is a confident, comfortable, real spirit. Target Consumers They are young men and women aged 16-35 who live in the city. They are also a group of active, simple and comfortable pursuit of people. Tom Lily product structure Tom Lily lovers brand fitted together the same feeling of things, so that their personality reflected. There are stylish, casual, but also self-proclaimed series.

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